Friday, October 28, 2011

pretty girls and pretty things

As a self titled pretty girl who likes pretty things, I think we have a real find here!

My friend Katrina has an incredible eye for nature, sparkles, and little things that are generally lovely (not a lot of things are genuinely lovely anymore, so that's a big deal in my eyes). These days, she's making hair combs, and she *gasp* asked me to model for her! How fancy!

The Tink - made from dried flowers - $12

The Meadow - made from dried flowers and a faux butterfly - $20

The Butterfly Swarm - faux butterflies - $22

Her etsy shop Flickerbelles (cutest name ever!!!) will be growing in the next few weeks, so keep an eye out! And I will post more of my amazeballs modeling photos as I get them.

But seriously folks, support LOCAL artists!

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